

A dream about going to an apartment building surrounded by light

Dream Analysis for December 3, 2012It was a strange dream.The entire town was enveloped in light. It might have been neo...

A dream where a friend loses their wallet, keys, and other belongings.

Dream Analysis: April 20, 2013I had a dream about a female friend.In the dream, she kept losing important items like her...

A dream about vomiting black liquid from your mouth.

A dream about vomiting black liquid from your mouth.

A dream about a scammer entering your yard.

Dream Analysis: A Woman Trying to Enter the HouseI was home alone at my family’s house when a woman suddenly tried to en...

A Dream About Meeting One of a Pair of Twins

A Dream About Meeting One of a Pair of Twins

Finding My Mother’s Body in a Dream

What does it mean when you dream of finding your mother's dead body?