A Dream of Hiding Underwater


Dream Analysis from June 8, 2011

Dream Details:
I was being chased by someone and hid by diving underwater. Despite the situation, there wasn’t much tension in the dream.

You are trying to protect yourself. It seems that you fear a painful past resurfacing, and your instinct is to shield yourself from it. This suggests you might be someone who has difficulty opening up—or rather, feels unable to open up.

Sometimes, sharing painful experiences with someone you deeply trust can help bring resolution. If you keep hiding, like staying underwater, it becomes hard to breathe, and eventually, those feelings may surface unexpectedly.

Back then, I was still inexperienced, so my interpretations sometimes came across as a bit harsh.

But it’s not quite that dramatic. Water, in dream analysis, often represents the unconscious mind—a deep inner world. It symbolizes areas of yourself that you might not consciously recognize.

We begin our lives in the safety of our mother’s womb, surrounded by amniotic fluid. In this sense, water in dreams often represents a place of safety and security.

Being chased is frightening, and the dream suggests that diving into the water felt like the only way to find safety. The absence of tension in the dream indicates that you instinctively believed the water was a safe haven, offering protection.

This reflects a healthy coping mechanism. Seeking a secure “sanctuary” to recover and process emotions when things get overwhelming is a sign of resilience.

It seems like you’re managing your emotions effectively, and that’s a good sign.

If I had been more experienced back then, I might have analyzed it this way. Who knew 13 years later, my older self would look back and critique my younger interpretations! 😊

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