Analysis A dream about being attacked by a mummy. Dream Analysis from June 6, 2011A mummy suddenly appeared and attacked me!I managed to escape somehow, but it was terrif... 2024.12.24 Analysis
Analysis What does a dream about opening a store mean? Dream Analysis from June 5, 2011I had a dream where I had just opened a shop. It wasn’t well-known yet, but I already se... 2024.12.23 Analysis
Analysis Dream of Seeing Dead Rats Article from June 3, 2011There were so many dead rats around the bathroom!Some were decomposing, others were covered in ... 2024.12.22 Analysis
Analysis What does it mean to dream about being cheated on? Dream Request from June 1, 2011I had a very unpleasant dream.I caught my husband cheating with another woman. After that... 2024.12.21 Analysis
Analysis A dream of being chased endlessly I had a dream where I was endlessly being chased and kept running away. What made it even more terrifying was that the thing chasing me had the appearance of a child. 2024.12.15 Analysis